Sunday, November 29, 2015

Teachers Pay Teachers Wishlist Linky

It's the most wonderful time of the year.....
time for SHOPPING and SALES!

Is your cart ready for the BIG TpT Sale? Cyber Monday won't end until Tuesday night in the TpT world! I've been loading my cart up...moving things from my wishlist to my cart.  I think I'm ready!  

Here are a few of my top wishlisted items that you might want to move over to your cart...

This is one of my favorites!  I implemented the use of QAR with my first graders a few years ago.  These posters really helped them gain a better understanding of how to identify questions and to write answers to questions.  (Click HERE to get the QAR poster set.)

My kiddos LOVE Tic Tac Toe Homework!  I use it for word wall words, but you can use it for ANY words!  This is a great way for the kids to take ownership of their learning since they get to choose the activities that they complete.  And the best part?  It's naturally differentiated!  (Click HERE to get the Tic Tac Toe Homework.)

My kids love games!  Who doesn't?!?!?!  Roll and Read is a great way for my kiddos to practice their reading fluency.  All you need is dice.  (I like to use foam dice so it's quiet!)  My kids play independently, with partners and in small groups.  These are also perfect for homework, too!  My kids can't get enough of this game!  (Click HERE to get the Roll and Read Bundle.  Other Roll and Read games are available HERE.)

Want to see other wish listed items?  Just click to image below!  

Happy Shopping!  

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Giveaway Party!

Congratulations to Susana over at Brinca Into Bilingual on having 1,000 followers!

To celebrate it's........


Mrs. Nicolau is giving away TWO DIFFERENT items of your choice!

Here are your choices (click on the link to see the dimensions and more details):

Let's giveaway a gift card!! Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $25 TPT Giftcard! Remember the more entries you have, the more changes you have to win!!!

While we are throwing the house out the window, let's also celebrate with a $21.00 gift card from the AMAZING Melonheadz!

Last, but definitely not least! I have many blog friends that have joined me to celebrate this amazing event! They have all joined me to giveaway bundles by grades!!!

The first bundle is for our Bilingual teachers!

Next is the K-1 Bundle in English!

Last is our 2-3 Grades Bundle in English!

Are you excited enough?! We sure hope so! Stop by Mrs. Nicolau's blog to enter on all these great prizes!!!
While you are there, drop a note to her. She LOVES hearing from her readers! :)

You can enter the giveaways HERE!

Good luck!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Word Wall Words

I'm always trying to help my first graders stay organized.  This can often be a challenge.... especially at the beginning of the year!

My Firsties use word wall flashcards on a regular basis.  Storing them can drive me batty.....  I've tried special folders with envelopes.  I've tried baggies.  I've tried having the kids store them in their pencil boxes.  Nothing seems to last....

Well this year, I think I have a solution!  I found index card file boxes a Walmart!  I pulled the file dividers out and put a cute label on them..... and Viola!

My plan is to have each child keep his or her Word Wall Word Box in their personal book bin.  Then they can use their words during Daily 5.  

I can't wait to try them!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

BTS Blog Hop and TpT Giveaway!

Wow! It's that time of year again! Back..... to..... School!

I'm teaming up with Heidi over at Droppin' Knowledge for a great back to school GIVEAWAY!

I've been a busy bee getting my room ready! I always try to add or tweak a few things to make it a little different. I used to try to do a new theme every year.... that got expensive and old really quickly. I got tired of changing everything each and every year. A few years ago I decided to go with a colorful theme. Black with lots of colors! I love it.

I did update a few things and have a few new creations this year:

My new birthday board is bright and colorful!  It includes a "Happy Birthday" banner posters for each month!  I laminated each poster and use sharpie to write names and birthdates for each child.  To remove sharpie, just color with dry erase marker and wipe off!  As good as new!  This set also includes birthday certificated for the kids, too!  You can get it HERE!

My Classroom Job chart is one of my favorites!  This packet includes 52 job cards.  You can pick and choose what you need for your classroom.  I printed each job and attached to colorful library pockets.  You can use these on a magnetic board or pocket chart!  I colorful title is also included for displaying on the wall!  You can get it HERE!

I use Secret Agent Numbers for EVERYTHING in my classroom! And I mean everything!  I make several sets and they are EVERYWHERE AND used for MANY things!  

 Each child is assigned a number at the beginning of the year.  Then use these secret agent numbers to label cubbies, mailboxes, book bins, desks, supplies.... you name it!  I also have couple of sets with magnetic tape on the back.  I use one set on my Daily 5 choice board and the other set is used for students to check in when they come into the classroom each day.  They simply move the number from the word "Home" to the word "School."  It's a great time saver in the morning!    Secret Agent Numbers are great to use for student participation, too!  Simply hot glued each number to a craft stick and put them in a little bucket.  I randomly pick a stick!  Keeps the kids on their toes!    Need to partner students up?  Pick a stick!   I love my Secret Agent Numbers!  You can get them HERE!

And last, but certainly not least, I have new name plates!  They are available in two styles:

Classic Colors with White Background:

Click HERE to get them!

Click HERE to get them! 

Or you can choose Name Plates in Classic Colors with Black Background:

Click HERE to get it!

Click HERE to get it!  

And now......  on the the good stuff......  THE GIVEAWAY!   WOOOOO  HOOOOO!

Here's what you can win:

Want to see other great prizes you can win?  Head on over to Droppin' Knowledge by clicking HERE!

Good Luck!

Check out the sponsors and get more entries by clicking the blogs below!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Our Elementary Lives Giveaway!

The girls over at Our Elementary Lives have a beautiful new blog design. To celebrate they are having a GIVEAWAY!

You may have a chance to win:

or this....

plus many other items!

Click HERE to enter the giveaway!

Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

School's Out! Summer Bash GIVEAWAY Day 2!

It's day two of the BIG GIVEAWAY over at The Therapeutic Teacher

You can WIN all of these great items!

Be sure to enter for your chance to win!

Good luck!

Monday, June 1, 2015

School's Out Summer Bash Giveaway!

Whoo Hoo!  School's is out!  To celebrate, I am participating in a HUGE GIVEAWAY with Kristin over at The Therapeutic Teacher!

This GIVEAWAY includes all of these TpT products and MORE!

Enter NOW for your chance to win!  

Be sure to enter by Thursday, June 4!

Be sure to check back tomorrow to enter another GREAT GIVEAWAY!

Happy Summer!