
Monday, January 6, 2014


I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade for a new Currently!

Listening to:  Well, it's bitter cold outside.  Bitter isn't even the word.  It's -50 degrees with the wind chill and we have over 12 feet of snow.  Needless to say, I have a roaring fire in the fireplace.  I have been listening to it crackle all day.  Love me a nice warm fire!

Loving:  Well, because of the weather we did not have school today! And guess what?  No school tomorrow, either!  Just another reason to lounge around in my comfy cozies all day!  I know I will not like these days at the end of the school year!  But right now, I'm lovin' them! 

Thinking:  I can't wait for spring!  Come on, do you can't blame a girl!

Wanting:  I have become the Princess of Procrastination.  I think a Fairy Godmother would really come in handy. I mean, who doesn't want a Fairy Godmother?!?!?!?  Just wave a magic wand and the house is clean, laundry is done, report cards are completed, papers are graded.....  The list goes on and on!

Needing:  I guess since I do not have said Godmother, I better get a few things done!  Thank goodness for the extra couple of days! 

Memory or Tradition:  Christmas break is a perfect time to reconnect with friends!  I especially enjoyed the time I spent with my friend, Laura.  I have known her since Jr. High (YIKES!!) and I have not seen her in FOREVER!  It was so good to catch up.  We might not see each other often, but we NEVER run out of things to say! 

Now it's your turn to link up with Farley

What was your favorite part of Christmas break?

Stay warm, Friends! 


  1. We have tomorrow off due to "freezing" cold weather. I am definitely looking forward to the relaxing day. Although with my New Years resolutions, I'll probably head over to the gym too!

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…if you hurry and are one of the first 14 people to comment, you'll win freebie!
    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

  2. I wish I could be infront of a fireplace myself..This morning it was so cold and I had to stand at a gas station to pump gas!!! Starting the school year pregnant and having a new born has made me want a fairy godmother myself...Specially when it comes to grading... Thanks for sharing!!
    Come visit me at

  3. Found your blog on Currently and I am your newest follower :)! I wish we had a fire going right now. BTW where do you LIVE?! It is freezing here but we don't have any snow. We also have no school tomorrow due to the cold temps and wind. Can't believe I didn't think of a Fairy Godmother because I could totally use one too right about now :)! Happy snow day, keep warm and check out my blog if you have an extra minute to spare!

    Sent From My iPad
