
Friday, January 10, 2014

A Freezing Week and A FREEBIE!

Thanks to the freezing temperatures in “Chiberia”(as all of Chicago was called this week), we did not have school for two days.  What did  a girl do for those two days, you ask?

1.  I truly learned what cold is after -50 degrees with the windchill!  (And I never want to experience that again!)
2.  I stayed in comfy cozies!
2.  I watched a mega marathon of "Breaking Bad" on Netflix.  Love that show!
3.  I created  some fun new stuff for my classroom (more info coming soon.....)
4.  I gave my blog a quick new look....  It's a constant work in progress!  What do you think?

and best of all.....

I created a new Facebook Fan freebie for you!

You can get this freebie by going to my Facebook Fan Page (HERE). Be sure to "like" the page and click the icon that says "Fan Freebies!"

Were you off this week?  If so, what did you do?

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