
Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Currently

I have been busy hibernating!  It has been way too long since I have posted anything!  I thought I'd get back into the swing of things by posting a Currently (Thanks to Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade)!

So, here it goes!

Listening to:  Scandal!  I am so glad it is back on!  I've missed my friend, Olivia Pope!

Loving:  All of my new purchases from the big sale on TpT.  Look what I got:

My first graders are learning to dig deeper when they read!  These Close Reading packets are just what I was looking for!  Susan shows how she uses them in her first grade classroom.  You can check it out HERE!

I also picked up some AMAZING clipart from one of my favorite artists, Krista Wallden!  The images are always so crisp and clear!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her stuff!  You can check out all of her creations HERE!

Thinking:  I AM SOOOOOO VERY  TIRED OF SNOW!  It just started to "warm up" and melt a little and WHAM-O!  More snow last night!  YUCK!

Wanting:  Spring Summer weather!  With all of this snow, can we just skip spring and go right into summer?!?!?!?!?  PLEASE??????  I need sun and sand!

Needing:  I am really needing to finish the 3rd quarter assessments on my kiddos!  Can you say STRESSED!  I only have a couple of weeks before report cards and conferences!  AAAAAHHHHHH!  It always gets done, right?

The answers:  Nap, laundry, grading papers, OSCARS!

The question:  How I am spending my Sunday!

I hope you all have an amazing week!  Stay warm, Friends!


  1. Hey there! You are one of my 3 from Farley's currently! :) I am right there with you on the need of summer weather. The new winter storm is just getting here and we are looking at 4-8 inches of snow! :( Boo!
    I also love Krista's clip art! Soooo cute!
    Mrs. H’s Resource Room

  2. Kristin, I think I need to check this Scandel thing out. Everyone is talking about it! Maybe I can add that to my list of things to do this summer. Love all of your TpT purchases. Great choices! I need to start my report cards for 3rd nine weeks as well. Can't seem to bring myself to do it though! Good luck getting yours done!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade
