
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Currently

I'm kicking off the New Year by linking up with Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade!

Right now I am listening to nothing but the fire crackling in the fireplace!  Nothing better than a nice warm, toasty fire!  My kitty is snuggled up next to me, too! (He is snoring like a bear, BTW!!!!!)

I am absolutely loving my new Mac from Santa!!!!  I have had a PC for years and finally made the switch!   I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to get..... kept going back and forth between a PC and a Mac.  I don't know what I was so afraid of!  I can't tell you how much I LOVE it..... I highly recommend it!  Santa was good to me!

I am thinking that a girl can get used to being in her comfy pjs!  This is my New Year's Day uniform.  Yep, I've been in my pjs ALL DAY!  Don't judge!  A girl has to do that from time to time!  All I ask is that you don't stop by my house and ring the doorbell!

I am wanting more vacation time!  Time has flown by the last two weeks!  I can't believe that I only have a few more days of vacation left!  I am really enjoying my time off!  I've visited family and friends, gone shopping, took time for some R&R, baked cookies and even cooked a few meals.  I LOVE to cook and never have time....especially during the week.

I am needing to take down all of my Christmas decorations.  I love to put them up.  But taking them down?  Not so much.

YES, I'll make healthier choices.  Hubby and I have been working on that one for a while.  We are trying to watch our sugar intake and eat more whole grains and veggies.

MAYBE I'll get organized.....FINALLY!  I always have good intentions....  baby steps.... baby steps.

I WISH I had a maid!  Life would be so much easier!

Want to see what other people are doing Currently?  Hop over to Oh Boy 4th Grade and take a peek!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2015!


  1. I wish I had a live-in maid but I also wish I had a personal chef! Then I would have a much easier time eating healthy dinners! I love putting Christmas decorations up but the whole take them down and pack them away bit is a real drag! Have a great New Year!
    Rowdy in First Grade

  2. Oh Kristen it felt like I wrote your currently, we have so many of the same answers. :) Glad Santa was good to you. Macs are the I love mine and really don't know what would happen if I had to go back to PC.

    Enjoy your last few precious days of your break, and have more pj days, they rock.
    Ms. K/1 ELL
    A Teacher's Plan
